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Bible on stock market investing

bible on stock market investing

I am declaring my trust in You in all my financial affairs and I am relying on your promises in the Bible to always take care of my needs. He opens shafts in a valley away from where anyone lives; they are forgotten by travelers; they hang in the air, far away from mankind; they swing to and fro. If it is, the skins burst and the wine is spilled and the skins are destroyed. Let not the one who eats despise the one who abstains, and let not the one who abstains pass judgment on the one who eats, for God has welcomed him. Even to the half of my kingdom, it shall be fulfilled. Okay, thanks.

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S hould Christians invest in the Stock Market? Is there a conflict of interest if they do? What does the Bible say about investing? I realize that the Parable of the Talents is not about money necessarily but more about what a Christian should do with the gifts that they have received from the Holy Spirit. However are there principles that we can draw from. First, Jesus Christ appears to be this man who went on a journey Matthew and that He gives each and every one talents that they are to use.

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bible on stock market investing
As the portfolio manager for a publicly traded mutual fund, I’m often asked to recommend a good investment book. One shareholder even asked me to write one. While I’m not ready to make that type of commitment, I thought about the most worthwhile books I’ve read over the years and put a list together. There will undoubtedly be titles you feel should be on the list. Fortunately, the ones that made it are still in print, and most are available in paperback. They cover a variety of investment topics—some are easy reads, some require more time and concentration. First published in , this investment classic has sold millions of copies and is the bible for many value investors.

What the Bible Says about the Stock Market

S hould Christians invest in the Stock Market? Is there a conflict of interest if they do? What does the Bible say about investing? I realize that the Parable of the Talents is not about money necessarily but more about what a Christian should stoxk with the gifts that they have received from the Holy Spirit. However are there principles that we can draw from. First, Jesus Christ appears to be this man who went on marjet journey Matthew and that He gives each and every one talents that they are to use.

One servant received 5 talents and doubles his return while the one with 2 talents doubled his return but the one who was bible on stock market investing only one talent buried it. That is, he did not use what he was given. Here you have what is yours. You knew that I reap where I have not sown and gather where I scattered no seed?

Then you ought to have invested my money with the bankers, and at my coming I should have received what was my own with. So take the talent from him and give it to him who has the ten talents. For to lnvesting who has will more be given, and he will have an abundance. This place of outer darkness is believed to be hell and the person who received a talent may not have been saved.

It could have been that the man who buried his talent was ashamed of his gift and burying it would indicate that he denied Christ before others by not using his God-given talent. Whether this parable was talking about money or our gifts from God, investiing result is the. We are to invest or use what God has given us to His glory. Earning money honestly in the Stock Market and incesting using it for the Kingdom of Heaven is being a wise steward with what God has given us.

The Bible has a lot to say about money. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs. God uses our offerings to fund missions, to spread the gospel as part of the Great Commission, and to help the orphans and widows in the church and investing in the Kingdom is a wise choice for if we are investing in eternal things, rewards await us in heaven some day. God is not against those who are rich and many in the Old and New Testament were rich but the difference was that they used their money for the Kingdom.

And with great power the apostles were giving their testimony to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and great grace was upon them all. Here we see no condemnation for those who are rich and Abraham was exceedingly rich but this was because he was a very generous man and gave to the Investin a tenth of all that was his Genesis To invest in the Stock Market for the purpose of investing in the Kingdom of Heaven is most certainly not wrong.

God is not opposed to the rich but only if they are doing so for their own lusts. We are to be wise stewards with what God has given us and when we give to the local church, to missions and in giving to the poor, it is the Lord Himself that will repay us and bless us according to our generosity.

A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. It is not so that you can be rich but you can reap eternal rewards in heaven while helping those who are in need today and to fund the costs of the gospel going into all the world.

So I say to you, invest wisely and you will reap and whatever you reap you can sow back into the Kingdom and when you do, God will pour back into your lap what again can be sown for the Kingdom of Heaven…and for His glory. And His glory is what we are to be pursuing above all things. All rights reserved worldwide.

Jack Wellman is a father and grandfather and a Christian author, freelance writer, and Prison Minister. Graduate work at Moody Bible Institute. Read them in the archive. If you like what stoci reading, you can get free daily updates through the RSS feed.

Thanks for stopping by! When you invest, first you look at some companies, compare them to see which ones o reliable, srock invest in the one that stands. Jack, thanks my friend. I appreciate hearing from you my good friend across the big pond. Nice article Jack, its always refreshing to break down the southern church culture to discover what the Bible really says. Dear Pastor, Is it okay for a Christian to work as a financial analyst in stock market. Usually we will be meeting with wealthy people and having a little bit of greed.

Please do give me an answer. Hello Skaria. Thanks for visiting us and for your comment and question. Let me put it this way. Would it be better for there to be no Christians in the business world?

Would the absence of Christians make it better or worse? You know it would make it more evil. I see no conflict of interest in trying to honestly help people earn money in the stock market in legitimate and legal means. It is not like gambling. I hope I have helped invessting your question my friend. Basically, it amounts to receiving something you did not actually work.

The kingdom of God is not about profit making despite the way you have spun the parable you mentioned. All you can do is trust God.

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Let me hear your voice as to what I need to invest in, what I need to give to and let me have your peace about the future because my ultimate trust is in You. What does man gain by all the toil at which he toils under the sun? Sign Up Log In. He opens shafts in a valley away from where anyone lives; they are forgotten by travelers; they hang in the air, far away from mankind; they swing to and fro. They are playing the stock market just like they play the gambling tables. My mouth shall speak wisdom; the meditation of my heart shall be understanding. Psalm Volume They do not know the character of the ones running the business; whether they are honest, reliable or trustworthy. Neither is new wine put into old wineskins.


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