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Investments compared chart answers

investments compared chart answers

Earnings potential. Approximately 0. Cannot annotate a non-flat selection.

What is a short-term investment?

The worst quarter 1 for Acme Sports Cars was from The best two months for Branson Motors were between The introduction of the luxury goods tax badly affected Most grammar books will tell you that you need «the» before a superlative like «highest» or «lowest», but this is not always true. We use «the» when there is a noun after the adjective e.

Accounts and Services

investments compared chart answers
So the most important thing investors should be looking for in a short-term investment is safety. Short-term investments are those you make for less than three years. If you have a longer time horizon — at least three to five years and longer is better — you can look at investments such as stocks. Stocks offer the potential for much higher return. Stocks fluctuate a lot, and the longer time horizon gives you the ability to ride out their ups and downs.

The worst quarter 1 for Acme Innvestments Cars was from The best two months for Branson Motors were between The introduction of the luxury goods tax badly affected Most grammar books will tell you that you need «the» before a superlative like «highest» or «lowest», but this is not always true. We use «the» when there is a noun after the adjective e.

When we put the noun before, we don’t need «the» e. The UK had the highest rate of unemployment. The unemployment rate was highest in the UK. What is the difference between well over and just over? Visitor numbers reached an all time high of 20, in the summer months.

NB The expression X dipped at Look at example 1. Expressions of time can come either at ajswers beginning or the end of the sentence. In40 percent of parents were able to afford extracurricular activities for their children. Britain saw a dramatic increase in CD sales in the s. The s saw a dramatic increase in CD sales in Britain. British shops saw CD sales increase dramatically in the s.

Sometimes the graph is in the future. It is time we learnt about using future tenses. Use future simple to make a future prediction or show you are thinking about future possibilities. Use future continuous to speak about an activity that will be happening at a precise point in time in the future. Use future perfect to fompared something that will have been done up to a precise point in time in the future.

We can start our sentences using expressions that show we are predicting. There are some cbart and verbs we can use to make these expressions:. Now let us take a look at how we can write about future and compare it to the past. Be careful not to misinterpret the information or you will be severely penalized. Numbers should be represented correctly. By the yearit is anticipated that many natural habitats Te charts show forecast for te annual reforestaton rat in selectd regions and worldwide, tgeter wit te current atitude twards concern for tee loss.

It is projectd tat Ireland wil have te highest rat in at Te forecast for bot regions is. It is also wort notng tat te reforestaton rat in Tailand is antcipatd t be exactly in line wit te worldwide average for bot and Invfstments Hungary wil be below te intrnatonal rats, while bot Ireland and Tasmania wil exceed tem. See if you can say what they stand. Often the graphs employ age groups to break down investmenta total. Here we can use the following expressions:.

This chart is about how much support employees receive for pursuing their education at different ages. Write four sentences about this chart using the investmehts different styles introduced. Rewrite the sentences, replacing the phrases in italics with an alternative expression. So, compare these 2 sentences:! Graphs, charts, and tables Unit 3 How to Use X is just over X is well under Compares is well over X is invfstments X is roughly X is about Exercise 1.

X reached a peak at X peaked at X bottomed out at X hit a low of The temperature bottomed out at minus three degrees on July 4. From January to July! In the winter months! In years to come! In the future Expressions of time can come either at the beginning or the end of the sentence. Future with ‘Will’ Use future simple to make a future prediction or investments compared chart answers you are thinking about future possibilities. There are some nouns and verbs we can use to make these expressions: nouns prediction forecast anticipation projection verbs predict forecast anticipate project » » » The following phrases can be used to introduce data in your report: » » 1 It is anticipated that Graphs, charts, and tables Note: Exercise 1.

Do not use abbreviations in your reports. Note: Pie charts are usually used xnswers the conclusion paragraph. Generaly, it is forecast tat te reforestaton rat in te four regions wil grow untl Te forecast for bot regions is te same at Ansqers, by contast, wit te lowest projectd rat troughout te period, wil experience te greatst overal increase.

What expression is used to start the report? What word is used to link the two graphs in the introduction? What is what? People aged 40 or more are more willing to invest in stable industries. Graphs, charts, and tables Exercise 1. Using numbers, fractions, or percentages: Look at the following table that shows the price of X in different years. Aanswers were anwers as many unemployed people in as in Twice as many people were clmpared in compared to Chrt let us take a brief look at how fractions are formed.

Using adjectives to modify numbers:. Graphs, charts, and tables adjective usage example. How would you define ‘majority’, ‘few’ and ‘many’ in percentages? The number of solar-powered buildings Inabout 25 million comparsd Inmuch more energy to power buildings In years to invesrments, it Byit is expected that 20 million buildings.

Byit is predicted that many animals It is antcipatd.

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What to consider

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